Alex 3113R


Unclassified Species from Justine Highsmith  

Creative Commons License:



 Screened at the Holocene, July 22, 2015 for Pure Surface Anniversary Party. Performance, concept, and editing: Justine Highsmith. Camera: Anita Spaeth. Music: “Kinkakuji” by Alex Highsmith

Alex 918


Sans Titre #3 – 2012 from Collectif Art Mouv’/Zone Libre Plus

Creative Commons License:




Google translated from French: Video and sound installation, this triptych is a proposal on the nature and its occupation by three bodies. Pristine landscapes by the linearity of the screens become a single space.
A unique landscape and plural inhabited by three humans ritualize this time with signs and trade, connecting them in a common movement with nature is for the visitor a visual and sonic journey. The filmmaker Stéphane Broc, the sound designer Tommy Lawson and choreographer Helen Lawson Taddei devised a multiple space … Untitled # 3


Alex 1821


Tebe Tasi (sea dance) from David Palazón

Creative Commons License:




Tebe Tasi (sea dance) 2013 Timor-Leste. A film by David Palazón and performed by Colleen Coy at the pier in Com, Lospalos, Timor-Leste in Nov 2011. Music composed by Maestro Simão Barreto. Tebe Tasi is a visual interpretation of “Itinerary for a landscape, a symphonic poem” performed by the Orquestra Sinfónica de Radiodifusão Portuguesa, conducted by Leonardo Barros and recorded from broadcasting in 1983 “Symphonic Works” by Simão Barreto.



Alex 3089R

calçada (sidewalk) from Paulo Bueno

Creative Commons License:



Footwear path or paved, for the circulation of pedestrians, almost always higher than the part of the street where the vehicle travels; ride. past participle of wear: 1 coat the feet, legs and hands, 2 put on shoes, 3 or pave pave (street, sidewalk, path etc.) with or constitute the paving, 4 put shim, 5 buy shoes


pas 15 466

[pas15466R-Weight In Gold].mp4



Weight In Gold


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

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The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.